Step and Stone Celebration Evening
Bristol-based bakery, Step and Stone, makes handmade lavosh flatbreads with a social purpose. Working with young people with learning disabilities, helping to develop their skills and confidence so they can eventually find employment in the mainstream catering world.
We have been fortunate enough to continue our Post 16 partnership with Step and Stone. Termly, 2 of our students and a member of our support staff have the opportunity to participate in Work Experience at the bakery based within The Park Centre. This year we look forward to reciprocating this, whereby a young person from the bakery will come with support to do some work experience in our student led café known as the Birds Nest Café.
Yesterday Jo P (our Transitions/Family Engagement Coordinator) and Matt (our Catering Manager) were invited to the Step and Stone Celebration Evening. It was a wonderful event meeting the team and bakers, Karin Smith, Helen Holland and other professionals including those from Foxes Academy.