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All students experience maths on a daily basis. It may be in the form of a maths lesson or it may be experiencing using maths within the community as part of their life skills. We aim for all children to become as numerate as possible, necessary for their daily living, giving them a wide variety of experiences to practice their skills.


The maths scheme of work is developed and based around the Engagement Model and the National Curriculum. Staff use a variety of resources to teach the children such as EQUALS, White Rose Maths and ASDAN.



English is taught daily throughout the school as a discrete subject. In English sessions pupils will have multisensory opportunities to explore literacy and language in an appropriately individualised way.  Pupils will be taught how to develop their communication, reading and writing skills to support learning and to encourage independence in life.

Writing and mark making are taught daily.

In Key Stage 4 and 5 pupils are encouraged to use their literacy skills to understand the world around them. Instead of phonics, pupils will be taught to recognise words in their environment that will help their independence when they leave school.


Our Key Stage 1-4 curriculum is based on the EQUALS schemes of work and ASDAN in Key Stage 5.


Approach to the Teaching of Reading

All pupils are assessed for phonic knowledge when they enter the school. They are then put into streamed Literacy groups where they are taught an appropriate level of phonic skills. These sessions are based on the Floppy Phonics Systematic Synthetic Programme. New Fosseway has developed its own phonics programme for our First Steps Learners, in conjunction with Speech and Language Therapists.

Pupils are read to every day regardless of ability and reading and listening is encouraged across the school. Books are available in all classes in the school and pupils are encouraged to look at both fiction and nonfiction books that interest them. Pupils in Key Stages 2 - 4 read regularly to an adult in the school.

In Key Stages 4 and 5 pupils who still struggle to read or derive meaning from text are directed towards words that they find in their environment that will encourage their independence in the future and ensure that their learning is practical and relevant.



Pupils are taught through a variety of teaching methods which make lessons interactive, explorative and involve pupils investigating themselves and the world around them. The lessons are taught in class groups and utilise a variety of resources which can be tailored to meet the individual learning needs of the pupils. We follow the EQUALS schemes of work.


Creative Arts

All pupils explore a range of media and equipment in art to develop a practical understanding of the subject. Pupils are encouraged to use their imaginations as well as develop their analytical skills and fine motor skills when mark-making, drawing and painting. The safe and appropriate use of tools is modelled.

Pupils are exposed to the work of different artists and designers and are encouraged to respond creatively through a broad selection of materials. Work is effectively displayed which develops self-esteem and confidence.

Our curriculum is based on the EQUALS schemes of work.


Digital Literacy

Through teaching Digital Literacy, we equip children to participate in a world of rapidly changing technology. We enable them to find, explore, analyse, exchange and present information. We also help them to develop the necessary skills for using and accessing digital information in a discriminating and safe way. This is a major part of enabling children to be confident, creative and independent learners.

Our curriculum is based on the SWGFL Digital Literacy curriculum.



The pupils at New Fosseway in Early Years and Key Stage 1 take part in a selection of activities throughout the week including personal physical development and healthy eating. Pupils also have weekly yoga and dance sessions. Pupils access outdoor learning, exploring different terrains and distance. Pupils also focus on personal targets including fine and gross motor skills and accessing sensory integration. 


Key Stage 2-4 have a weekly PE session and follow a varied PE curriculum supported by the Bristol Bears community team with a termly focus which includes learning team games, ball skills, athletics, dance and Yoga. Bristol Bears also work with our Key Stage 5 in the community.

Swimming sessions are provided for 2 terms a year for key stages 2,3 and 4 at the local leisure centre.

Students also have opportunities to access bikeability throughout Key stage 2, 3 and 4.

New Fosseway work in partnership with Wesport to access Panathlons and community sporting events with other schools.



The teaching of geography enables all pupils to experience, explore and investigate the world starting with their own space, surroundings and local community and beyond.

The main emphasis is on encouraging each pupil to experience and learn about their immediate personal space, themselves, their family, their class, their school and local community and the wider world.

Opportunities are provided for contact with a range of people and experiences and to explore different places and environments. Pupils are encouraged to develop their awareness of familiar places and people linked to them. They are encouraged to develop geographical enquiry through experience and observations both inside and outside the classroom. Wherever possible pupils get involved in practical experiences to support and encourage exploration, discovery, investigations and first-hand experiences. Pupils are encouraged to have a responsible attitude towards the environment and to be aware that some people in the world live very differently and some very similar to themselves. 

Our curriculum is based on the EQUALS schemes of work.



Our PSHE curriculum enables pupils to develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to keep themselves healthy, safe and prepared for life and work. 


Across all Key Stages, the curriculum looks at the following themes and pupils are given opportunities to build upon their knowledge and skills:

  • Self-Awareness
  • Self-care, Support and Safety
  • Managing Feelings
  • Changing and Growing
  • Healthy Lifestyles
  • The World I live in


Our curriculum is based on the EQUALS and the PSHE Association's Programme of Study.



All pupils will experience both live and recorded music from of a variety of styles, composers and performers.

Students will be given the opportunity to:


  • respond to music
  • develop their abilities to listen to and become involved with music emotionally and critically
  • develop an understanding of music in terms of its elements and the combination of elements
  • learn and develop skills in the use of musical instruments
  • provide opportunities for active participation in creativity and self-expressions through the medium of sound
  • for music to be an activity which provides pleasure and stimulation

Our curriculum is based on the EQUALS schemes of work.



The teaching of the History subject gives pupils the opportunity to develop an awareness of the concept of factors such as "time" and "the past" and of the ways in which these concepts differ from the "present". In considering these factors, pupils may be helped to have a greater understanding of the present and the future and will enable pupils to develop a sense of chronology.

We hope to foster a curiosity in children to become interested in the past, including British, European and World History. To help children understand society and their place within it, so that they develop a sense of their cultural heritage. Learning is wherever possible encouraged through practical experiences such as visits to primary sources e.g. visiting sites of historical significance.

Our curriculum is based on the EQUALS schemes of work.



When teaching RE, it is our aim to provide pupils with experiences, knowledge and understanding of Christianity and other religious traditions represented in contemporary society.


RE has its own place within the curriculum but it also contributes with other subjects to the personal, moral and social education of the pupils.


We have a comprehensive bank of resources that provide pupils with ‘hands-on' experiences of different cultures and their customs.

Our curriculum is based on the EQUALS schemes of work.
