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Admission Statement

New Fosseway School Admissions Statement


New Fosseway School is a 150 place provision for child and young people identified as having Special Educational Needs and Disabilities from the ages of 4 – 19. We are committed to providing an environment which is challenging and stimulating; caring and supportive and which embraces a philosophy of active learning. Our curriculum enables learners to progress along the continuum from dependence with dignity to total independence. The highly individualised curriculum is supported by a multi-agency team which includes; Speech and Language Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists and Paediatricians.


Admissions Criteria

A child or young person is eligible to be offered a place at New Fosseway School if they meet the following criteria:

  • They have an Education Health Care Plan
  • They have a severe or profound learning difficulty
  • The have an Autistic Spectrum Condition with complex needs
  • The needs of the learner could be met with our resources without adversely affecting any other learner that currently attends
  • Their needs are significant, and affect most areas of learning. Typical learners would be working significantly well below age-related expectations
  • We have a vacancy



If you are interested in your child attending New Fosseway School, feel free to contact the school office on 0117 9030220 so we can arrange for you to visit the school.


If following the visit you would like to request a place at New Fosseway School, applications must come via Bristol SEND Department. The link below provides more information:


Guide to choosing a school for a child with SEND

